Information about Installing Linux Oracle RAC Virtual Server
This document will explain how to install a Oracle RAC Dev or Test Virtual Server on VMWare ESXi Server.
After OS Installation follow Go to Prepare Linux Virtual Servers for Oracle RAC to complete required tasks prior to installing Oracle RAC Software.
This includes creating Shared Storage, Post-OS Configurations, Cloning initial Virtual Server Node 1 to additional cluster nodes, and verifying all requirements are met before RAC Software install.
Document Creator ModifiedTodd Walters 10/28/2009
- Oracle Dev Virtual Server Naming standards are srv0dbxdXX where XX is a number starting after 10. For Example the first Oracle Dev Virtual Server is named srv0dbxd11
- Oracle Virtual Servers will adhere to these specifications on Dell r710 Host:
- 8gb Memory
- 50gb Hard Drive
- 4 Virtual CPU
- Vlan 126 for Test
- Vlan 127 for Dev
- Datasource will be on Storage that start with stor1-vmfs02
Part I: Create, Upload ISO to Datastore and Create Virtual Machine
1. If needed to create new ks.cfg file follow Partition info below:
Partition space for Oracle RAC Servers are:
# Disk Partition Informationpart /boot --fstype ext3 --size 256 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
part swap --fstype swap --size 8192 --ondisk=sda
part / --fstype ext3 --size 5120 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
part /var --fstype ext3 --size 2048 --ondisk=sda
part /opt --fstype ext3 --size 4096 --ondisk=sda
part /tmp --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --ondisk=sda
part /export --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --ondisk=sda
part pv.0 --size 1 --grow --ondisk=sda
volgroup ora_vg --pesize=16384 pv.0
logvol /u00 --fstype ext3 --name=u00_lv --vgname=ora_vg --size=10240
Partition space for Oracle RAC Servers are:
# Disk Partition Informationpart /boot --fstype ext3 --size 256 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
part swap --fstype swap --size 8192 --ondisk=sda
part / --fstype ext3 --size 5120 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
part /var --fstype ext3 --size 2048 --ondisk=sda
part /opt --fstype ext3 --size 4096 --ondisk=sda
part /tmp --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --ondisk=sda
part /export --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --ondisk=sda
part pv.0 --size 1 --grow --ondisk=sda
volgroup ora_vg --pesize=16384 pv.0
logvol /u00 --fstype ext3 --name=u00_lv --vgname=ora_vg --size=10240
2. If you created a new ISO file you will need to copy it to srv0esxd02:/store02vmfs01/ISO/Linux
- Login to VMWare Infrastructure Client from you pc to srv0esxd02
- Go to Configuration tab and then click on Storage
- Right Click on the datastore stor01vmfs02 and choose 'Browse Datastore'
- Click on 'Upload' files from you local machine and upload to ISO/Linux location
- You can now boot off the iso file and choose the appropriate kickstart.cfg file on the nfs server srv0smx00 to use
Create Virtual Machine
- Next launch VMWare Infrastructure Client from you pc and login to srv0esxd02 with your user account.
- Right click on ' and choose 'New Virtual Machine'
- On 'New Virtual Machine Wizard' box choose 'Typical' and then click 'Next'
- On 'Select a Name and Location' box type in the name of the virtual server following naming standard, i.e. srv0dbxd11
- On 'Choose a Datastore for the Virtual Machine' select d0esxd01vmfs02 datastore and click 'Next'
- On 'Choost the Guest Operating System' screen choose 'Linux' radio button and then choose 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (64-bit)' and click 'Next'
- On 'Virtual CPU' screen leave as default '4' and click 'Next'
- On 'Memory' screen set 'Memory for this Virtual Machine' to 8096 and click 'Next'
- On 'Choose Networks' screen use these settings and then click 'Next'
- How many NIC's do you want to connect? 2
- Network for NIC 1: 850_10.67.9.0_24
- Network for NIC 2: RAC_IC
- Adapter: E1000 (It's required for 64-bit servers)
- Connect At Power On: Checked
- Note: place on VLAN 850 then once install complete, during reboot change to correct vlan, i.e 125 .
- On 'Define Virtual Disk Capacity' screen set disk size to 50gb and click 'Next'
- On 'Ready to Complete New Virtual Machine' screen review your settings to verify everything is correct then click 'Finish'
- Click on 'srv0esxd02' and then click on 'Virtual Machines' tab in right side window.
- Locate the new virtual machine you just created and right-click on it and choose 'Edit Notes...'
- Enter new virtual machine description in the 'Edit Notes' dialog box.
Part II: Installing Operating System and OS Configuration
- In Virtual Infrastructure Client go to 'srv0esxd02' and select the New Virtual Machine you just created.
- Right-click on Virtual Machine and chooose 'Edit Settings' from drop-down menu.
- On the hostname - Virtual Machine Properties page under Hardware tab select 'CD/DVD Drive 1'
- Under 'Device Type' select the radio button for 'Datastore ISO file' and click 'Browse'
- On the 'Browse Datastore' dialog box choose 's0esxd02vmfs01' and click 'Open'
- Double-click on 'ISO' Folder then double-click on 'Linux' folder, select the ISO image you will be using and click 'Open'
- Select 'Connect at Power On' check box in the 'Device Status' section at the top and click 'Ok'
- Power on the Virtual Machine by clicking 'Power On Virtual Machine' on Summary Tab under 'Basic Tasks'
- Right click on Virtual Machine name and choose 'Open Console'
- As systems powers up it should boot off the iso image.
- At Red Hat Splash Screen choose 'To install RHEL4 U5 64bit under Cox Communications Standards, press the <ENTER> key' *note: This will install hands free and reboot the system when complete.
- The Preferred Method is below where you point to an NFS Server and ks.cfg file.
- Preferred Method at the 'Red Hat Splash Screen', type linux ks=nfs:
- You will also be asked to enter the Hostname, IP, Netmask, and Gateway. Enter the desired settings and continue with the installation.
- Edit the Virtual Machine Settings again and change the 'CD/DVD Drive 1' to not connect at Power on anymore.
- Remove Floppy Drive from the configuration as well
- Continue to Post-Installation Tasks below.
Part III: Post-Installation Tasks
- To connect, login via VMWare Infrastructure Client from you pc and login to srv0esxd02 with your root account, or ssh through putty to new IP.
- Go to virtual server you created, i.e. srv0dbxd11, and Right-Click and choose 'Open console'
- Login with root account.
- vi /etc/motd to update information - Add Unix Admin, DBA, POC and Hostname and Description
- Example
- ###############################################
# Built on Tue May 20 13:15:27 PDT 2008
# Built with Kickstart base config: 4.5.0
# Unix Admin: Todd Walters
# DBA: your DBA
# POC: Todd Walters
# --- <> - <RAC Dev Node1> ---
################################################## - Verify /etc/sysconfig/network and hostname: (
- Edit hostname and gateway information if necessaryExample[root@srv0dbxd11 sysconfig]# cat network
GATEWAYDEV=eth0 - Verify /etc/syconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 is correct, change items as necessary:
- Example ifcfg-eth0 file[root@srv0dbxd11 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth0
#ETHTOOL_OPTS="speed 100 duplex full autoneg off" - Example ifcfg-eth1 file
[root@srv0dbxd11 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth1
MTU=1392 - Edit the /etc/hosts file to contain all nodes:
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost srv0dbxd11 srv0dbxd11-vip srv0dbxd11-ic srv0dbxd12 srv0dbxd12-vip srv0dbxd12-ic - Start network service, test and verify:
- Type 'service network restart' to update settings and start network
Run 'ip route show' to verify. - Example ip route show command: Should see 'default via'
[root@srv0dbxd11 network-scripts]# ip route show dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 scope link
default via dev eth0 - Ping srv0asx01 or any other server to verify connectivity and network is working properly.
- Login through putty with your user account. Reference: How to Create Linux User Accounts
- Go to Prepare Linux Virtual Servers for Oracle RAC
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