Thursday, January 30, 2014

Satellite Post Install Configuration

This document will explain how to activate Satellite and then how to configure the first Channel. 
  • Chapter 6 in Red_Hat_Network_Satellite/5.4 Installation Guide 
How to Register Satellite & Download & Import Channel Content ISO’s. 
  1. Verify Activation in RHN (optional if using spacewalk) 
  2. Check for spacewalk-backend-tools package 
    1. # rpm –qa | grep backend   
  3. To see list of rhn commands run # rhn-
  4. To view channels available run 
    1. tmp]# satellite-sync -l | tee channels 
    2. # satellite-sync --list-channels | more   
  5. Run the following to reregister system and entitle/activate Satellite 
    1. [root@satserv rhn]# rhn_register 
    2. [root@satserv rhn]# rhn-satellite-activate --rhn-cert=/root/myco.cert
  6. Download Satellite Channel Content ISO’s for each channel you will need. 
    1. Red Hat recommends using Channel Content ISO’s locally versus importing directly from RHN website to save time. 
    2. Our example, we only user v6.3 RHEL 
    3. The process to copy Channel Content ISOs is to mount each one, copy its contents to the temporary repository, and then unmount the ISO. 
    4. Mount from your laptop to vmware to satellite server
  7. [root@satserv mnt]# mkdir /var/satellite/sat-import
  8. Mount the iso to local in vCenter and then copy from mount point to sat-import 
    1. [root@satserv media]# mount /dev/cdrom /media   
    2. [root@satserv media]# cp -ruv  * /mnt /var/satellite/sat-import/
    3. Repeat these steps for each Channel Content ISO of every channel to be imported.   
  9. The first step in importing channels into the database is listing the channels available for import. This is accomplished with the command:  
    1. satellite-sync --list-channels --mount-point /var/satellite/sat-import
    2. notes –  
      1. run ‘satellite-sync  --list-channels’ option to obtain a list of all channels by label.
  10. View local channels available 
    1. [root@satserv sat-import]# satellite-sync --list-channels --mount-point /var/satellite/sat-import/  
  11. Start the import of a channel 
    1. [root@satserv sat-import]# satellite-sync  -c rhel-x86_64-server-6 --mount-point /var/satellite/sat-import/  
    2. ..output..  13:20:07 Red Hat Network Satellite - file-system synchronization 
13:20:07    mp:  /var/satellite/sat-import 
13:20:07    dbrhnsat/<password>@rhnsat 
 13:20:08 Retrieving / parsing additional arches data 
13:20:08 additional arches data complete 
13:20:08 Retrieving / parsing channel data 
13:20:09    p = previously imported/synced channel 
13:20:09    . = channel not yet imported/synced 
13:20:09    base-channels: 
13:20:09       . rhel-x86_64-server-6                     8203       full import from Mon Jun 25 12:52:55 2012 
13:20:10 Channel data complete 
13:20:10 Retrieving / parsing blacklists data 
13:20:10 blacklists data complete 
13:20:10 Retrieving / parsing product names data 
13:20:10 Retrieving short package metadata (used for indexing) 
13:20:10    Retrieving / parsing short package metadata: rhel-x86_64-server-6 (8203) 
13:20:43 Diffing package metadata (what's missing locally?): rhel-x86_64-server-6 
Diffing:    ######################################## - complete 
13:20:57 Downloading package metadata 
13:20:57    Retrieving / parsing *relevant* package metadata: rhel-x86_64-server-6 (8203) 
13:20:57    * WARNING: this may be a slow process. 
Downloading:################################   ---output truncated---       8203/8203 Fetch successful: freeradius-2.1.12-3.el6.x86_64.rpm (1458248 bytes) 
13:38:36 Processing rpm packages complete 
13:38:36 Importing package metadata 
13:38:36    Importing *relevant* package metadata: rhel-x86_64-server-6 (8203) 
13:38:36    * WARNING: this may be a slow process. 
Importing:  #   ---output truncated---   
This conducts the following tasks in this order:  
  1. Populating the tables describing common features for channels ( channel families). This can also be accomplished individually by passing the --step=channel-families option to satellite-sync.  
  2. Creating a particular channel in the database and importing the metadata describing the channel. Individually, use the --step=channels option.  
  3. Moving the RPM packages from the temporary repository into their final location. Individually, use the --step=rpms option.  
  4. Parsing the header metadata for each package in the channel, uploading the package data, and associating it with the channel. Individually, use the --step=packages option.  
  5. Identifying Errata associated with the packages and including them in the repository. Individually, use the --step=errata option.     
  6. See Chapter 7 Troubleshooting for help  Download RHN tools (or any channel from –list-channels) 
    • satellite-sync --channel=rhn-tools-rhel-x86_64-server-6 
this process worked and resolved my kickstart profile issue  
Set up a cron job in /etc/cron.daily to sync from Red Hat Network
  • Create satsync file 
    • #!/bin/bash  if { -e /var/lock/satsync ]; then          echo "Satellite sync in progress, exiting"          exit 1  fi   touch /var/lock/satsync  until satellite-sync; do          perl -le 'sleep rand 90' done  rm -f /var/lock/satsync   
  • cron.daily]# ll | grep satsync  -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  209 Aug 15 15:09 satsync 
 Define your Organization 
  1. Go to Admin > Organization  ( or create new organization) 
  2. Fill out appropriate information 
  3. Once created, you need to assign system entitlements 
    • Management (Needed to register with Satellite file management, etc.)  
    •  Monitoring (Needed for Monitoring) 
    • Provisioning (Needed for bare metal installation, config  
    •  Virtualization (Needed for any machine doing virtualization which is not unlimited) 
    • Virtualization Platform (Needed for any machine with unlimited virtualization) 
Configuration File Management 
  1. Go to Configuration  Create New Config Channel    
  2. Fill in Name, Label, & Description, then click create 
    1. Click Add Files 
    2. Click Create File 
    3.  Create the file 
Create ‘Company default’ Config Channel  #This is the Myco Config File  # It uses variables and will be customized on   # per host basis.  
MY_SYSTEMID={|rhn.system.sid|} MY_PROFILE_NAME={|rhn.system.profile_name|} MY_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION={|rhn.system.description|} MY_HOSTNAME={|rhn.system.hostname|} MY_SYSTEM_IP={|rhn.system.ip_address|} MY_ETH0_IP={|rhn.system.net_interface.ip_address(eth0)|} MY_ETH0_NETMASK={|rhn.system.net_interface.netmask(eth0)|} MY_ETH0_BCAST={|rhn.system.net_interface.broadcast(eth0)|} MY_ETH0_MAC={|rhn.system.net_interface.hardware_address(eth0)|} MY_ETH0_DRIVER={|  rhn.system.net_interface.driver_module(eth0)|}   
 Create System Groups   
  • We’ll create 3 System Groups based on Environment (Dev, Stg, Prod) 
  • Create 3 system groups on role (app, db, web) 
    • note: Determine additional groups as needed   
  1. Go to Systems > System groups > Create New Group 
  2. Enter group name and description   
Clone a Channel 
  • This is good idea for creating dev, stg, prod channels and keeping track of software at each channel. 
  • Currently only cloned RHEL Server 6 Channel and to Dev-Rhel Server 6 
    • Fill in Description & maintainer information then Update Channel   
  • Clone all Child Channels as well 
  • Repeat for other channels as needed. 
Create a Custom Channel (for PostgreSQL )  
  1. Go to Channels                 > Manage Software Channels > Create New Channel 
  2. Enter the following information  
    1. Basic Channel Details 
      1. Channel Name 
      2. Channel Label 
      3. Select Parent Channel 
      4. Select Parent Channel Arch [x86_64] 
      5. Channel Summary            
    2. Channel Maintainer / Contact 
      1. Maintainer Name 
      2. Maintainer Contact info 
      3. Support Policy (if any) 
    3. Channel Access Control 
      1. Per-User Subs 
      2. Organization Sharing 
    4. Security GPG Key 
      1. If you have GPG enter it here 
  3. Then click Create Channel 
  4. Create Custom Repository (if available, otherwise push packages in via rhnpush) 
    1. Locate the YUM Repo URL  
    2. Click on Manage Repositories > Create New Repository 
    3. Enter the Repo – label and URL and then click  Create Repository    
  5. Go to Software Channels  > Select your Channel >  Repositories 
  6. Select the new Repo then click on Update List > Update Repositories 
  7. There are 3 methods to Sync 
    1. Method 1: Go to Repos > Sync  and verify the Repo is there, then click Sync Now 
    2. Method 2 = command line, skip to next step 8 
    3. Method 3 – To only sync select packages to Repo, Skip to Step 10.  
  8. Use spacewalk-repo-sync to sync packages from thirdparty (postgresql ) Repo 
    1. ]# spacewalk-repo-sync --channel postgresql-9.1 
  9. To push single packages Use rhnpush to move to satellite all PostgreSQL server packages. 
    1. tmtw1]# rhnpush postgresql91-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm postgresql91-contrib-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm postgresql91-libs-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm --server= -u satadm -p satellite -c postgresql-9.1  note: install GPG key                  [root@satserv /]# rpm -ivh pgdg-redhat91-9.1-5.noarch.rpm  Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]     1:pgdg-redhat91          ########################################### [100%]  [root@satserv /]# cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/  [root@satserv rpm-gpg]# ls  RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-91      RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-legacy-former   RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-legacy-rhx  RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-beta  RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-legacy-release  RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release  [root@satserv rpm-gpg]# rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-91    Copy the GPG key into /var/www/html/pub on theSatellite Server so that existing servers can access it using: 
How to Create Activation Keys 
  1. Go to Systems > Activation Keys > Create New Key 
  2. Type a description and Key name  
    1. Desc = Master Key 
    2. Key = master-key 
  3. Select Provisioning 
  4. Click ‘Create Activation Key’ 
  5. Click on  Packages and add these packages to all systems  
    • # Add ITM Packages 
    • # Add Packages for MYCO 
    • # Add Telnet Client 
    • compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6.x86_64 
    • glibc.x86_64 
    • ksh.x86_64 
    • nfs-utils 
    • nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 
    • python-dmidecode 
    • python-ethtool 
    • rhn-check 
    • rhn-setup 
    • rhncfg 
    • rhncfg-actions 
    • rhncfg-client 
    • telnet.x86_64 
    • yum-rhn-plugin 

Create MYCO Configuration Channel 
  • Uploaded the following files into Config Channel 
    • /path/to/files/file1 
    • /path/to/files/file2   
  • Created new Kickstart Post Script with following contents 
    • # Get MYCO Required Packages and Install set -x       SOURCEDIR="/software/MYCO"  
            if [ ! -d $SOURCEDIR ]          then mkdir -p $SOURCEDIR       fi     wget -P /software/MYCO http://myco103/MYCO/gskcrypt64- wget -P /software http://myco103/MYCO/gskssl64- wget -P /software http://myco103/MYCO/TIVsm-API64.x86_64.rpm wget -P /software http://myco103/MYCO/TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm  
    • # Yum local install the RPM's yum localinstall /software/MYCO/*.rpm -y  
Add  NTP to Script 2 (standard Script  # Configure NTP  echo "server >> /etc/ntp.conf ntpdate -u chkconfig --levels 2345 ntpd on 

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