Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Create a Custom Channel

Create a Custom Channel (example PostgreSQL )   
  1. Go to Channels                 > Manage Software Channels > Create New Channel 
  2. Enter the following information  
    1. Basic Channel Details 
      1. Channel Name 
      2. Channel Label 
      3. Select Parent Channel 
      4. Select Parent Channel Arch [x86_64] 
      5. Channel Summary            
    2. Channel Maintainer / Contact 
      1. Maintainer Name 
      2. Maintainer Contact info 
      3. Support Policy (if any) 
    3. Channel Access Control 
      1. Per-User Subs  
      2. Organization Sharing 
    4. Security GPG Key 
      1. If you have GPG enter it here 
  3. Then click Create Channel 
  4. Create Custom Repository (if available, otherwise push packages in via rhnpush) 
    1. Locate the YUM Repo URL  
    2. Click on Manage Repositories > Create New Repository 
    3. Enter the Repo – label and URL and then click  Create Repository    
  5. Go to Software Channels  > Select your Channel >  Repositories 
  6. Select the new Repo then click on Update List > Update Repositories 
  7. There are 3 methods to Sync 
    1. Method 1: Go to Repos > Sync  and verify the Repo is there, then click Sync Now    
    2. Method 2 = command line, skip to next step 8 
    3. Method 3 – To only sync select packages to Repo, Skip to Step 10.  
  8. Use spacewalk-repo-sync to sync packages from thirdparty (postgresql ) Repo 
    1. ]# spacewalk-repo-sync --channel postgresql-9.1 
  9. To push single packages Use rhnpush to move to satellite all PostgreSQL server packages. 
    1. rhnpush postgresql91-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm postgresql91-contrib-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm postgresql91-libs-9.1.4-3PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm --server= -u admin -p mypassword -c postgresql-9.1 

To SYNC (or update) Repo Channel  
  • # spacewalk-repo-sync --channel postgresql92   

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